Friday, November 23, 2007

Giving Thanks

Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day, a national holiday in the USA.


People who live in other countries do not share this holiday. And, many who live in the USA do not spend Thanksgiving Day consciously giving thanks. I’d like to invite each of you to make today your day for giving thanks for all that is good in your life.


It is so easy for us to see bad things happening all around us, both personally and globally. I would like to invite you to join with me in taking a moment to notice all that is good.


I also want to invite you to join with me in consciously choosing to live with gratitude while continuing to work to make our personal lives, our communities, our countries and our planet safer, healthier and more peaceful for us all.


Yesterday, I was with some of my family for this holiday for the first time in years. This is one thing for which I am grateful.

Deborah Hord
"Lean In For A Kiss" free mp3 download (in Vol 3 free digital sampler)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My song “Lean In For A Kiss” is one of the 12-free-mp3-downloads available now in Volume 3 on

Deb’s House Concerts

Exciting News!

"Lean In For A Kiss"
(one of my songs)

is one of 12-free-mp3-downloads
on eFolkMusic this month.


Free efolkMusic Digital Sampler, Volume 3!
Supporting the good music and musicians since 1999

Deb Hord Deborah Hord

Lean In For a Kiss

Writing folk songs with a personal touch, Deborah Hord brings her own perspective to folk music. She loves to hear a good story and incorporates storytelling into her songs