Friday, June 16, 2006

Mosquito Repellent Testamonial!!!


On a bunny note, my friend Beth told me the Grapefruit and Lime lotion bar kept bugs away from her. I think she told me this last summer, and I never tried it. And, I've been eaten up by mosquitos this season.

Yesterday, I was in my backyard in the hammock and more were landing on me. I had one of those "now is the time" moments, and I went inside and got out a
Country Bunny Bath and Body Grapefruit and Lime Lotion Bar and rubbed it all up and down my legs, feet, and arms. No more mosquitoes.

Now I want to tell everyone!

You can
order the Grapefruit and Lime Lotion Bar (and other products in that fragrance and other fragrances) and see how it works for you. Visit my online store -


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